Saturday, February 28, 2009


I got to touch my pony today!!! She had somehow lost her halter last week, then Jenn got we had a couple of days off. I was hoping she wouldn't be a goldfish and forget everything we'd worked on. As extra insurance, I brought Roxanne, my old and wise Mustang mare, over and turned them out was love at first sight for Gidget! She followed her around and couldn't figure out why Rox would let me come up to her and pet her...she was way curious about that. Then came time to get a halter back on her...that was kinda traumatic so we just put an extra panel in her stall and squeezed her against the, the halter was on and she didn't even know what happened. Then came the oh so scary hands, followed by the brush - but wait, that feels kinda good, so I'll just stand here and see what happens...she was such a good girl. Hopefully tomorrow will be good too...we've only got 11 weeks to go.

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