Saturday, February 21, 2009

where we go, they will follow.

Ruger and BLAZE! were good today. When we first got there i thought i was going to have to drop out of the competition..seriously.I get so frustrated sometimes when things don't go my way that it just infuriates me. It seems like i'm the only one who isn't practically riding my horse yet and that makes me grumpy to say the least..which poor Ruger found out when she caught the verbal brunt of my hatred today. I must first tell you how she is before I make myself out to be a bumbling retard.... if you move to quickly she jumps like she's been electricuted...if you yell, if you cough, if you fart(sad to say yes, this happened today) same thing. It's gotten to the point where if i'm walking alone and i see something "scary" i brace for a spaz attack(even though there is no horse around me) ugh.

after my outburst, i decided that she might be a little wound up from the rain and not being out, so i put her in the round pen and let her trot around and stretch her legs. She seemed to visibly relax so i decided to try and see if i could get something done to not make the day a total loss. wouldn't you know it we learned how to lead and back up. once i declaired that i wanted nothing to do with her, she was all about figuring out what i was doing. so all in all we had a simi-good day.

BLAZE! did well in the roundpen today, she knows "whoa" and turning into the fence and was generally better than she normally is.

im tired, and have a huge headache. bah!


1 comment:

  1. Hey! Who is riding already and where is their blog?

    Good progress keep it up!

