Friday, February 27, 2009

no work today

I spent mostof the day on the couch pumped full of vicodin. :( still need to figure out why i can't feel the skin on my right hip, even though the swelling has gone down. I feel much better, still sore, but i'll be able to work with ruger tomarrow. We are trailering Roxanne over so we can work with the saddle pad and saddle with Ruger and get leading down. hopefully my 2 day absence wont hurt us. I'm sure it won't she is beyond smart and willing. Gidget should be good tomarrow as well. mary is coming over again to help since i might not be fully operational..haha. I'll be back on my witty feet before you know it. :)

more sleepy-



  1. I hope you feel better soon. I have enjoyed reading your blog today. I had to laugh at "your bug girl panties." I think I am in that position with my EMM horse Faith. I just need to suck it up and push her a little more.

  2. LMAO! That was supposed to be "big" not "bug." These bandaids on my fingers are killing me. ;)
